Standardization should also be performed at the hardware level, independent of the migration itself, to minimize the amount of hardware support needed. 还应该在硬件级进行标准化(这独立于迁移本身),从而尽可能减少所需的硬件支持。
This article describes how to achieve high availability for WebSphere MQ using clustering provided at the hardware level using open source software. 本文讲述了如何在硬件级上使用开源软件,让使用所提供集群的WebSphereMQ具备高可用性。
Different network virtualization includes network interface cards ( NICs) at hardware level and virtual LANs ( VLANs) at network level. 网络虚拟化技术包括硬件级的网络接口卡(NIC)和网络级的虚拟LAN(VLAN)。
This is achieved through pipelining at the hardware level. 在硬件级别中,通过使用流水线操作来完成这个任务。
A physical processor is organized as different execution units at the hardware level, for example, fixed point and floating point operation units. 在硬件级别中,物理处理器是作为不同的执行单元进行组织的,例如定点和浮点操作单元。
Adding drives and rebuilding the array with the proper specifications will improve performance dramatically on the hardware level. 适当地添加驱动器和重构矩阵能够大大改进硬件的性能。
When enabled, this feature will route certain hardware level interrupts to other CPUs, thereby resulting in less interruption to the workload. 当启用此特性时,它把某些硬件级中断转到其他CPU,让工作负载收到的中断更少。
Because it takes up that whopping 30% of home Internet bandwidth, Netflix is disrupting traditional peering structures whereby two or more networks, which are required to be connected at a hardware level, exchange traffic for free. 由于掌握了高达30%的家用互联网带宽,奈飞打破了传统的对等直联结构,也就是两个或多个网络在硬件层面连接在一起,免费交换数据。
This separation of processing tasks is enforced at the hardware level. 这种处理任务分离是硬件层强制。
When a SATA hard disk is connected to SATA connector, it should be detected at least at hardware BIOS level. 当一个SATA硬盘连接到SATA连接器,它应被发现,至少在硬件BIOS的水平。
The former teaching system failed in making the students comprehend the core ideal of computer systems uper 386, which can support operating system from hardware level. 原有的教学体系无法使学生理解386以上体系的核心思想&在硬件级别上支持操作系统。
Based on retaining original hardware level, assembly accuracy and production yield can be improved by carrying out meticulous process. 在不提高硬件水平的基础上,通过实施精细化作业可提高装配精度,提高产品合格率。
Real-time high-speed data transmission on network can be achieved not only through improving hardware, but also through designing application-specific network protocol based on current hardware level. 而高速实时的网络数据传输不仅可以通过提高硬件水平来获得;也可以在现有的硬件水平上,通过设计针对特定需求的专用网络协议来实现。
Likewise, it is also infeasible for VTS center to improve the management of VTS simply by enhancing the grade of management and hardware level. 同样,VTS中心仅靠增加管理等级及硬件水平来改善VTS的管理同样不可行。
By using EPM, the warnings can be sent to TMN in time. The early EPM is developed on hardware level, and has close link with hardware and special application. 早期的EPM系统一般都是针对特定的应用直接基于硬件层次进行开发,可移植性和可维护性都比较差。
In the hardware level, each server has a backup server, and different measures are designed to handle different abnormities. 在硬件层次,为每台服务器都设置了备份的服务器,并针对不同功能的服务器,设计了不同的异常处理措施,确保服务器间的数据同步,以及异常时的自动切换。
Under the current hardware engineering level, the broadband medium frequency passband sampling is widely used, but the RF passband sampling directly is most close to ideal software radio. 在目前硬件技术水平条件下,宽带中频带通采样应用最为广泛,但射频直接带通采样最接近理想的软件无线电,并且人们已对其关键技术进行了大量研究。
Current research on trusted computing domestic and overseas is focus on hardware level. 目前国内外可信计算的研究主要集中在硬件层面。
As a result of being restricted by hardware level and software technique, an automatic-manual method is the primary way to solve factual problem, but the effect was not perfect, especially in allusion to special events, such as "acuate acute angle", etc. 由于受到硬件水平和软件技术的限制,目前主要还是依靠手工与自动相结合的方法来解决一些实际问题,但效果并不理想,尤其是对某些特殊情况,如尖锐角现象等。
With the improvement of both the software and hardware's level of the automatic system, and installation of remote-monitor systems, the tenet of "Reduce personnel to promote efficiency" has been placed on the agenda. 随着自动化系统软件、硬件水平的提高,遥视系统安装,减人增效已提到议事日程上来。
And then puts forward the overall design plan of the tester: the equipment is divided into three arrangements, including hardware circuit level, interface level and software application level, realize the design of hardware circuit, driver program and functional software in course. 然后提出了测试仪的总体设计方案:从逻辑上将仪器划分为三个层次:硬件电路层、接口层和软件应用层,依次实现仪器硬件电路的设计、驱动程序的设计和功能软件的设计。
The final experimental data shows that optimization techniques in the software could reduce the power consumption of the whole system without significantly affecting the performance of the embedded system as the optimization techniques in the hardware level. 通过最终的实验数据我们可以得知,同硬件层次的功耗优化技术一样,从软件层次对嵌入式系统进行功耗优化能够实现在不显著影响嵌入式系统性能的情况下大幅降低嵌入式系统能量消耗。
With the development of research on chaotic synchronization and increased hardware level, the technology of chaotic synchronization is to be application, chaotic secure communication stands on the focus of research on application, how to create efficient applicable, secure chaotic secure communication is the key. 随着混沌同步技术研究的发展,硬件水平的提高,混沌同步技术逐步走向实用化,混沌保密通信是其实用化研究的热点,如何构造高效、实用、安全的混沌保密通信是关键。
With the improvement of computer hardware design level, more and more software development work is on the GUI. 随着计算机硬件设计水平的提高,越来越多的软件开发工作集中在图形用户接口(GUI)上。
Under the current hardware level, the influence of clocks on the performance of the carrier and side-tone recovery is analyzed when the low capability frequency source is used as the clock source of the digital devices. 分析了目前硬件水平下采用低性能频率源作为数字器件处理时钟时对载波恢复性能和侧音恢复性能的影响,并对分析结论进行了系统验证。
The network processor has been widely used in data network access equipment for its hardware level processing performance by adopting flexible software system. 网络处理器能够通过灵活的软件体系提供硬件级的处理性能,已经在数据网络接入设备中被广泛使用。
In order to reduce the memory space of the system, AC3 program is optimized and hardware/ software co-design method is used to optimize the memory space consumed in system level assemble level and hardware level. 为减少系统的存贮耗费,针对AC3程序进行了存贮优化,并提出了一种应用软硬件协同设计的方法,即从系统级、汇编级和硬件级进行存贮优化。
IF Digital System is being an economic and efficient compromise which combines the ideal SDR thinking with present hardware level. 数字中频通信系统正成为理想软件无线电思想与现阶段硬件水平相结合的一种经济、适用的折中。
Through the use of virtualization level, such technology has provided the hardware level hypothesized. 这种技术通过使用虚拟化层,提供了硬件级的虚拟。
Project to improve the prevention and treatment of anti personnel satisfaction, so that the laboratory capacity and enhanced hardware level, health education content to promote the control of tuberculosis. 项目提高了结防人员的防治能力建设,使实验室能力和硬件水平得到提升,健康教育内容促进了结核病控制工作。